Getting started with MEAN (Mysql, Express, Angular 6, Node) Part-5

I am explaining about user login and JWT. First, create the configuration file in the backend to store the secret key. I saved in backend/config/conf.js const crypto = require(‘crypto’).randomBytes(256).toString(‘hex’); // Export config object module.exports = {    secret:crypto, } Add below lines in server.js/index.js var config = require(‘./config/conf’); var jwt = require(‘jsonwebtoken’); var user =Continue reading “Getting started with MEAN (Mysql, Express, Angular 6, Node) Part-5”

Getting started with MEAN (Mysql, Express, Angular 6, Node) Part-4

I will explain about user registration using angular 6. Create 3 components sign in and signup & API service using angular-cli. ng g component components/user/signin ng g component components/user/signup ng g service services/api ng g component components/user/userslist Now check the files in src/components/user and src/services. Paste the below code in respected files. install Cryptojs forContinue reading “Getting started with MEAN (Mysql, Express, Angular 6, Node) Part-4”

Getting started with MEAN (Mysql, Express, Angular 6, Node) Part-3

This session, I am explaining about node server creation and table operations from MySQL database using sequelize models. First, initialize Node using below command and fill the required details. npm init now create index.js (mentioned in entry point) file and paste below code. //======== Import Required Files =============== var express = require(‘express’); var bodyparser =Continue reading “Getting started with MEAN (Mysql, Express, Angular 6, Node) Part-3”

Getting started with MEAN (Mysql, Express, Angular 6, Node) Part-2

I am explaining about node and MySQL connections using sequelize. You need to install Express, Sequelize, Body Parser, Express Handlebars, Cors and JWT using below command npm i express sequelize mysql2 body-parser express-handlebars cors jsonwebtoken Express – Node js framework. Sequelize – ORM concept for Node. Body Parser – It is used to handle theContinue reading “Getting started with MEAN (Mysql, Express, Angular 6, Node) Part-2”

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